My Queen

Well, not just my Queen, but everybody who cares about the Royal Family’s Queen. I wrote some of my experiences in a previous blog, so this one will be short.

When I was seven years old and a snotty-nosed little kid, I remember my older brother coming home and announcing that the King had died. Little did I know that seventy years on I would learn that the Queen had died. That happened today.

I have fond memories that probably only those born in Britain would understand. We are fiercely patriotic to some things and for me, the Queen is one of them. I grew up with the old-time belief that the Queen was the head of everything. As the years went by I realized that this, of course, was not true. She was however a huge influence in many of our lives.

Whether you love or hate Royalty, you have to give credit to this amazing woman. Her whole life was dedicated to doing good for her subjects, loyal or otherwise, around the world.

Rest in peace Lizzie. I’m gonna miss you.

5 thoughts on “My Queen”

  1. Yes I love the Queen and it was a sad day, even though it was expected, still sad indeed! RIP our Queen! 🙏❤️

  2. She was a steadfast lady, her dedication admirable. I seem to recall her being in Port Alberni briefly when I was a young girl.

  3. I remember back in Gatineau across the bridge from Ottawa seeing both Princess Elizabeth and Princess Marguerite I was 8 at the time going to a convent so all our class stood on the sidewalk waving our flags – I’ll never forget it, I’m sure she gave me a special wave ….she was an amazing and dedicated Queen – not sure about King Charles ….

  4. As fellow Brits, we are deeply saddened by the passing of our Queen. She has been an inspiration to us all and loved around the world. It is the end of a second Elizabethan era and we look forward to a new one with King Charles III. She will be a hard act to follow but I am sure he will be a good King.

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