Heat pump

I wondered how I could write a blog about something as mundane as a heat pump. Always looking for a challenge I decided to try, so here it is.

We are led astray by many of our friends and it usually costs us money. Gary, whom we have known for a few years was one of the people to tell us that we had to have a roof for our old trailer. He was right of course but it still cost us. Jim and Ylda bought a new electric car and we were hooked again it’s going to cost us. And on and on. I mentioned in a previous blog that we don’t try to keep up with the Joneses. This sounds as though we’re doing that but in reality, we’re just stealing ideas from other people.

Gary and his wife Flo were by the other day and mentioned that a mutual acquaintance had installed a heat pump in their trailer. He mentioned all the benefits and I could feel Rosalie start to twitch and knew I was in for a bit of a ride.

A heat pump would be a great addition for us for many reasons. It’s quiet for a start so we could run it during the night without being woken up. Also, we go through about $120 worth of propane a month during early spring and fall so we would save that money as well as the hassle of going for a refill every week. Also, when we go to Mexico we can leave it on really low to keep the mice warm. Then, when we come back and arrive in Vancouver we can turn it up with an app on my phone and have it snug and warm for us when we get home.

We went and looked at the one our friends had and it was running while we were there. It was so quiet that you couldn’t hear it. When we got up close though we could feel the cold air coming from it…it was a warm day. It was way better than our air conditioner on the roof of the trailer and a hundred times quieter.

I worried a bit about how and where to install it. The folks who already had one paid $500 for installation which I was okay with. But when I worked out the best place to put it, I decided that I could do most of the installation myself and just get an HVAC guy to do the hookup.

After rushing home, oh, the joy of ordering yet one more thing online to be safely delivered to us in just a few days.

The down side is that if the temperature is just right as we go to bed, Rosalie may not want to snuggle up and let me steal her warmth.

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