Awesome party!

Friday came around and the weather forecast predicted rain for Saturday so I had to get all the tarps out of storage.

I spent the whole day getting them just right for the water runoff. I put up one and when I looked up there were holes all through it, off to the dump. By putting them up it was a guarantee that it wouldn’t rain on the day.

After that, I was a little worn out

Saturday morning was the final panic time. I had to make sure there were enough seats and tables for forty people. I ended up with thirty-eight but knew that Rosalie and I wouldn’t be sitting down much anyway so it turned out okay. We have better plans for next year.

The tables had to be prepared and we got a lot of help from our friend Maureen who stayed with us for a few days.

Three o’clock came and I got changed into my spiffy party shirt. People started to arrive and the fun began. With the cooperation of Mike and Fern, our security friends from across the street, we had lots of room for parking.

Eventually, I opened up the Taqueria and started to cook, with Peter as my trusty helper, serving as usual. We did well, but next year I have to make a few adjustments for faster service as Peter and I got fed up with the whining while people waited. And darn it, I forgot to put out the tip jar.

We had a lovely Mexican friend Claudia, as a guest and she said my tacos were just great so I was relieved about that. I have to give credit to Rosalie though as she did all the prep and spicing for the meat. The chicken was awesome.

It happens to be Rosalie’s 75th birthday next week so part of the celebration was for that. She got lots of accolades, some great cakes as well as cards and some gifts even though she said people shouldn’t bring any. She also had thirty-nine people singing Happy Birthday. To cap it off Claudia sang to her in Spanish.

Then the desserts came out, and as a special treat, Claudia made fresh churros. Delicious! And she said she would make more next year.

As people started to leave we were left with a hard core of about eight people and that’s when the tequila came out. Finally, we were down to just Jim and Ylda, Rosalie and I. Eventually, I chased Jim and Ylda home and went to bed, but not before declaring it a very successful party even though I forgot to wear my Taco T-shirt, forgot the music and we didn’t play Jenga.

The next day Rosalie and I got up early and started to clean up. We had moved our good chairs off the deck and replaced them with Bob and Marleen’s picnic table which is made of steel and quite heavy. I’m starting to realise that I’m not as strong as I used to be and need help. Mike offered and also called on Fern and between the three of us got everything back to normal.

Rosalie was feeling it the next day

Then I had to take the tarps down again. You have to remember that I was a little hung-over and had to go up a ladder a few times. I got the two small ones down and decided to leave the large one until Tuesday when it would be sunny. However, after lunch, I decided to take it down too.

And of course, it didn’t rain.

5 thoughts on “Awesome party!”

  1. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t attend. One of these years! I was busy prepping the house for the arrival of a new Japanese student boarder. Hope to see you soon!

  2. Your guys did a fantastic job as usual! So glad to have been a part of the festivities 🥳 Thank you!

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