It must be me!

With all the medical problems I’ve supposedly had over the last few months, I was thinking that I had better find an undertaker. Fortunately, not necessary. Rosalie had to make a quick call to the insurance broker to cancel the claim.

My symptoms are all back to normal and I’m off all the extra meds I was having to take. Part of the problem was that I would get one med, then I needed another one to counter the first one. Then when that one caused a different problem, I had to take yet another med to counter it, only to find that one was causing issues for the first one I took.

Anyway, the BP is down and the dizzy spells have dissipated so I’m feeling much better. I’m feeling quite normal, whatever that is. I still have to do a few scans to make sure my heart is okay and of course, I still have my leg problem.

I went for an ultrasound on my leg and that Doc thought it was a blood clot. However, my GP just told me that it’s actually a narrowing of the artery and can easily be fixed with surgery. I have to get an echogram done, and hopefully before we head south. So, only two more CT scans, an echogram and an echocardiogram and I’m good to go. All this just to find out that there’s probably nothing wrong.

I asked if all this could have been a virus. My GP said that I had symptoms that could be caused by a virus but without definite proof, he couldn’t say. A virus is my thinking and I’m sticking to it. After this diagnosis I think I would make a good doctor, all I would have to do is walk around looking important saying “Yup, sounds like a virus!”

Maybe it’s all just me. I’ve been told by a few people that I’m probably an alien so that would account for it. I know I can be a bit strange but I don’t think I’m that strange. It’s not about being from England either. Dogs won’t bite us because we’re poisonous, but we’re not that different from other people.

Anyway, I’m back!

3 thoughts on “It must be me!”

  1. Sounds like another one of those medical mysteries! Glad your back to your usual you!

  2. Happy to hear Chris…. Time for Mexico, we are waiting and waiting for you… in the meantime John is having to drink your share 😳 So please hurry back! ☺️🤗

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