Dentist and Stuff

Because we are ancient it qualifies us for the federal dental program. Ooh cool! So we decided to find out what our tax dollars are giving us.

This guy needed help

After phoning around a bit to find a dentist participating in the program we eventually found one in Qualicum Beach, so booked an appointment for each of us.

Our teeth get cleaned in Mexico where they do a good job but don’t do an in-depth exam so this was a lot more intensive. The first appointment was only for an assessment and any treatment would come later.

I found out that I had a few cavities under old fillings and was happy they found out as one was close to needing a root canal. Rosalie found that she could have a problem with the implant she got in Mexico so it was a good thing that we got on this program otherwise it would have been very expensive.

A deductible had to be paid so it cost us about $100. We are okay with that. So now there are some appointments lined up but most are after we get back in April.

One of my favourite pastimes here is yelling at people who go over the 5 km limit in the resort. It’s fun and gives me a chance to exercise my vocal chords. Some people listen but a few don’t so, often they get yelled at by security across the street from us as well. One guy came roaring by riding a pink handicap cart doing about 30 km, I yelled and he didn’t slow down so security had to have a word with him.

There are three good reasons for not speeding in the resort: We have great-grandkids here and don’t want them hurt, Speeding creates a lot of dust and thirdly it’s a park rule.

We sit outside in the evening and watch TV on a little 24-inch set. After rearranging the deck to have more room, I saw the perfect spot for a big-screen TV. I suggested it to Rosalie and got a very cold look. After a little whining and snivelling, she agreed that I could look on the Facebook marketplace for a used one.

I got the look!

I found three but only managed to communicate with one person in Courtenay. The TV was a 55″ so I made an appointment for 11 am on Saturday and we went to look at it. It was plasma which I didn’t really want as they are so heavy. Also, it wasn’t plugged in so we couldn’t see it working. The young lady selling it looked honest and was only asking $100 so we decided to take a chance.

After getting it home, Mike across the road helped me to lift it onto a table so that I could set it up.

After plugging all the cables in and setting up the soundbar, I held my breath and turned it on. It worked great! It’s not a smart TV but we have a Firestick and that’s all we need, so we are happy with the whole deal. Even Rosalie was pleased so I sent a Text to the lady thanking her.

Does anyone want to buy a 24″ TV?

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