Oh Boy!

Our Covid quarantine finished a couple of weeks ago. So it’s been a while without socializing with anyone. We’ve been going out for lunches and dinners and of course to Papá Gallo’s for drinks. But all by ourselves. It seems as though, like we did last year, people are keeping their heads down and not taking any chances.

Then suddenly we got a whole slew of invitations. (Well two anyway.) Jim and Ylda asked us over for meatballs and spaghetti. How could we refuse? We had a really nice evening with them. Also caught up a bit with Art, Art Sr. and Linda whom we haven’t seen for a while.

Bill and Connie came back to town a few days ago and we’re going out for Chinese with them later. We haven’t seen them for a couple of seasons and look forward to hooking up with them again.

It’s been crazy on the beach over the holiday season. I know it’s their country but I have never seen so many Mexicans in one place all at once. Even the restaurants were often crowded with them whereas last year at this time we were practically alone. Even Raquel mentioned it.

It’s been chilly in the mornings.

We were sitting here listening to what we think was someone playing Mexican Karaoke. It wasn’t bad but had been going on for hours and we were getting a little tired of it. Rosalie wanted to go and punch someone out, but I managed to hold her back and force a glass of wine down her throat ’til she calmed down a notch.

Papá Gallo’s was carnage the other day . First, Gustavo had ripped a nail almost right off his thumb. I offered to complete the job but he declined, much to my relief.

Not to be out done, Alex showed us photos of his young daughter who, while sweeping the floor, somehow fell and and cut both her knee and chin.

After my last post about our various languages, I thought this little item might be interesting, and to some a little confusing.

This is quite a boring blog but not much has been going on down here lately. That may be a good thing, I don’t know.

But wait! I’ve been hearing beeping noises outside all morning so I snuck a look and was shocked to find someone fixing the roads and filling in some of the holes around the village. They had a large grader and the beeping was from it backing up. We’re quite excited as it’s becoming quite a challenge to find a way in and out of here.

4 thoughts on “Oh Boy!”

  1. Nice to read your blogs. Covid seems to be rampant here but we’ve managed to stay clear of it. Only thing new here is the 2-3 feet of snow we’ve had all together! Garry is very fit now because of all the shoveling he’s done. Haven’t seen this much snow in years! It is beautiful but enough is enough! Have a great New Year! Take care.

  2. Such is life, quiet, boring days and days full of excitement , I’ll take both – so happy to hear you are no longer in quarantine, continue your blogs, always so nice to hear from you. Hugs ♥♥

  3. The roads, maybe why you haven’t had that much company. I know I don’t want to come over in a clean car, especially now that cleaning the car is in my job description.

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